In France, personal data is protected by law n° 78-87 of 6 January 1978, law n° 2004-801 of 6 August 2004, article L. 226-13 of the French Penal Code and the European Directive of 24 October 1995.
When using the https://www.fivestarsagency.com/en website, the following information can be collected: the URL of the links through which the user accessed the https://www.fivestarsagency.com/en website, the user's access provider, the user's Internet protocol (IP) address.
In any case, Five Stars Agency only collects personal information relating to the user for the purpose of certain services offered by the https://www.fivestarsagency.com/en website. The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he/she proceeds by himself/herself to their input. It is then specified to the user of the site https://www.fivestarsagency.com/ whether or not they are required to provide this information.
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 38 and following of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, any user has the right to access, rectify and oppose personal data concerning him/her, by making a written and signed request, accompanied by a copy of the identity document with the signature of the holder of the document, specifying the address to which the reply should be sent.
No personal information of the user of the site https://www.fivestarsagency.com/en is published without the user's knowledge, exchanged, transferred, ceded or sold on any medium whatsoever to third parties. Only the hypothesis of the repurchase of Five Stars Agency and its rights would allow the transmission of the aforementioned information to the eventual purchaser who would be in turn held to the same obligation of conservation and modification of the data with respect to the user of the site https://www.fivestarsagency.com/en.
The site is not declared to the CNIL as it does not collect personal information.
The databases are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.
The site https://www.fivestarsagency.com/en contains a certain number of hypertext links to other sites, set up with the authorisation of Fives Star Agency. However, Five Stars Agency does not have the possibility to check the content of the sites thus visited, and consequently will not assume any responsibility for this fact.
Any dispute in connection with the use of the site https://www.fivestarsagency.com/en is subject to French law. The competent courts of Paris have exclusive jurisdiction.